Ketika tuntutan aplikasi cetak-dan-terapkan kinerja tinggi Anda membutuhkan lebih banyak fitur daripada yang ditawarkan mesin cetak yang ada, sekarang saatnya untuk naik ke A-Class Mark II Rangkaian mesin cetak canggih A-Class Mark II dirancang untuk permintaan tinggi, aplikasi multi-shift yang membutuhkan hasil yang cepat dan teruji keandalannya.
A-Class Mark II Industrial Print Engines for OEM Applications memiliki desain yang memungkinkan penggantian pelat dengan cepat dan mudah roller dan printhead, yang meminimalkan waktu henti dan meningkatkan efisiensi. Ini juga mencakup fitur desain inovatif, seperti:
Kabinet baja tahan karat – kokoh, namun mudah dibersihkan
Komponen perangkat keras baja tahan karat
Desain modular untuk meningkatkan kemudahan servis
Rakitan pita transfer termal sisi dalam atau sisi berpelapis keluar
Tampilan navigasi menu grafis yang intuitif dengan pilihan 152,4 mm (6 in)
tampilan jarak jauh untuk akses saat mesin cetak berada di area yang sulit dijangkau Dirancang untuk integrasi aplikator cetak-dan-terapkan, A-Class Mark II memanfaatkan arsitektur firmware Honeywell Datamax-O’Neil yang diakui industri dengan opsi konektivitas maksimum untuk komunikasi standar industri antarmuka. A-Class mendukung OEM 5-baut yang direkomendasikan industri pemasangan koneksi untuk integrasi yang mulus ke dalam sistem Anda. PL-Z (Zebra) emulasi bahasa printer memungkinkan Anda mengintegrasikan A-Class dengan mulus solusi yang ada tanpa mengubah format label. A-Class juga dilengkapi dengan alat diagnostik kepala cetak IntelliSEAQ proaktif. A-Class Mark II adalah tersedia dalam lebar 101,6 mm (4 in.) atau 152,4 mm (6 in) dan merupakan salah satu dari hanya mesin cetak yang menawarkan resolusi 203-, 300-, 400-, dan 600-dpi orientasi tangan kanan atau kiri.
MECHANICAL Dimensions (H x W x D):
4 in version: 299 mm x 246 mm x 390 mm
(11.81 in x 9.67 in x 15.35 in)
6 in version: 299 mm x 246 mm x 441 mm
(11.81 in x 9.67 in x 17.35 in)
4 in version: 15.3 kg (34 lbs)
6 in version: 16.8 kg (37 lbs)
Clock: Built-in, real-time world clock ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: 4°C to 38°C (40°F to 100°F)
Operating Humidity: 10% to 90%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature: -40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 150°F)
Storage Humidity: 5% to 95%, non-condensing
Dust: Non-conducting, non-corrosive
Electromagnetic Radiation: Moderate RF fields can
be tolerated PRINT TECHNOLOGY Printer Type: Direct thermal, optional thermal
transfer, right-hand or left-hand versions available
Print Length Range: 6 mm to 254 cm (0.25 in to 100 in)
Maximum Print Width:
A-4212: 104 mm (4.1 in)
A-4310: 105.7 mm (4.2 in)
A-4408: 104 mm (4.1 in)
A-4606: 105.6 mm (4.2 in)
A-6212: 168 mm (6.6 in)
A-6310: 162.6 mm (6.4 in)
Print Speed/Resolution:
A-4212: 304 mms (12 ips), 8 mmps (203 dpi)
A-4310: 254 mms (10 ips), 12 mmps (300 dpi)
A-4408: 203 mms (8 ips), 16 mmps (406 dpi)
A-4606: 152 mms (6 ips), 24 mmps (600 dpi)
A-6212: 304 mms (12 ips), 8 mmps (203 dpi)
A-6310: 254 mms (10 ips), 12 mmps (300 dpi)
Memory: 8 MB Flash, 16 MB DRAM POWER SOURCE Electric: Auto-ranging switching type
AC Input Voltage Range: 90 to 132/180 to 264 VAC
@ 47 to 63 Hz, auto-ranging
Power Consumption:
A-4xxx models: 200 W typical operating,
25 W standby
A-6xxx models: 220 W typical operating,
25 W standby
Printhead Protection: Thermistor sensor shutdown
with over-temperature occurrence, and automatic
printing resumption after cooling COMMUNICATION Communication Ports (Standard 4 Port): Serial
RS-232, parallel bi-directional, Ethernet-wired LAN
10/100, USB 2.0 compatible, GPIO applicator card
Communication Ports (Optional): Wireless 802.11
b/g, USB-host, SDIO memory slot MEDIA For optimum print quality and printer performance,
use certified Honeywell media supplies.
Media Types: Wound-out labels only and tag stock;
roll-fed, die-cut, notched, reflective, continuous, and
fan-fold, flat printable side, with no more than 0.018
mm (.0007 in) protrusions on the opposite side
Media Thickness Range: 0.06 mm to 0.25 mm
(0.0025 in to 0.01 in)
Media Width Range:
A-4212, A-4310, A-4408, A-4606:
25 mm to 118 mm (1 in to 4.65 in)
A-6212, A-6310: 50 mm to 170 mm (2 in to 6.7 in)
Ribbon Types: Coated-side-in or coated-side-out
Maximum Ribbon Length: 650 m (2,132 ft)
Ribbon Core Sizes: 25.6 mm ± - 0.2 mm
(1.01 in ± - 0.006 in) AGENCY APPROVAL Contact your Honeywell sales representative for the
most recent list of agency approvals. BARCODES/FONTS/GRAPHICS Barcodes:
Linear: Code 3 of 9, UPC-A, UPC-E, Interleaved
2 of 5, Industrial 2 of 5, Std 2 of 5, Code 11, Code
93, Code 128, EAN-8, EAN-13, HIBC, Codabar,
Plessey, UPC 2 and 5-digit addendums, Postnet,
UCC/EAN Code 128, Telepen, Planetcode, FIM,
USPS-4 State
2D Symbologies: MaxiCode, PDF417, USD-8,
Datamatrix, QR Code, Codablock, Code 16k, Aztec,
TLC 39, Micro PDF417, GS1 Databar
Resident Fonts: Ten alphanumeric fonts from
2.5- to 23-point size, including OCR-A, OCR-B, CG
Triumvirate smooth font from AGFA
Scalable Fonts: CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed, CG
Triumvirate, and CG Times with Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic,
and Hebrew character support
Downloadable Font Types: TrueType, Bitmap
Character Set: More than 50 resident character sets;
Unicode/UTF8 support
Font Expansion: All fonts expandable vertically and
horizontally up to 24x
Font Rotation: Fonts and graphics can be printed in
four directions: 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°
Graphics Supported: .pcx, .bmp, and .img files
Reversible Field/Mirror Image: Any font or graphic
field can be printed as a normal or reverse image
ILPC (International Language Print Capability):
Kanji Gothic B Scalable, Korean Hangul, Simplified
Chinese GB SOFTWARE/FIRMWARE DMX Config: Complete printer setup utility
DMX NetManager
Embedded network web pages
Drivers: Microsoft® Windows® NT, Windows XP, and
Windows Vista
Universal Printer Command Language: PL-Z (Zebra),
PL-I (Intermec), PL-B (Boca) OPTIONS Cutter
Internal Wireless LAN (DMXrfNET II)
Pinch Rollers (factory-installed)
Remote Front Panel Display with 1.8 m (6 ft) Cable
RFID (encodes EPC Class 1/Gen 2 tags)
Ribbon Saver (factory-installed)
Thermal Transfer (factory-installed)
SDIO/USB Host Interface WARRANTY Standard Warranty: Covers platen roller, printhead, and
installed options when used with approved supplies
Printer: 1 year
Printhead: 1 year or 25,400,000 mm (1,000,000 in),
whichever comes first
Extended Warranty: Contact your Honeywell
sales representative for extended warranty options
available through Honeywell Repair Services.
Fitur Unggulan
A stainless-steel cabinet protects your printer for years of service in rugged and extreme environments.
Expanded connectivity includes four types of communication ports as standard features: 10/100 LAN, USB, Serial, and Parallel.
Seamlessly integrates into most existing solutions using PL-Z and PL-I language emulation without changing code.
A large graphic display enables easy navigation, advanced setups, and simple operator use.
Fully integrated UHF RFID solutions are also available.
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Good product!