Air Permeability Tester TQD-G1

TQD-G1 Air permeability tester Penguji permeabilitas udara TQD-G1 dirancang secara profesional untuk menentukan permeabilitas udara bahan dekorasi yang digunakan dalam mobil, mis. poliuretan, plastik yang diperluas, PVC, kulit, tekstil, bukan tenunan dan bahan lainnya. Melalui pengujian, karakteristik fisik material dapat dikontrol untuk memenuhi persyaratan aplikasi praktis.



  • This instrument is designed according to the standard requirements of global automakers.
  • 2 test modes are available for customers: fix pressure difference to test flux and fix flux to test pressure difference
  • High precision sensors of electronic airflow and air pressure to ensure the accuracy of test data
  • The instrument is controlled by micro-computer, with LCD menu interface and PVC operation panel, which is convenient for customers to operate or view test data
  • Equipped with micro-printer and standard RS232 port for easy connection with PC and data transfer

Test Principle

Method A
Providing a constant air flux going through the specimen vertically, the air permeability could be obtained by measuring the pressure difference.
Method B
Providing the constant pressure difference between two sides of the specimen, the air permeability could be obtained by measuring the air flux through specific area in the certain time.

Test Standards

TQD-G1 air permeability tester conforms to the multiple national and international standards: ISO 9237, ISO 4638, ISO 5636, GB/T 10655, GB/T 5453, GB/T 4689.22, GB/T 13764, ASTM D737, TAPPI T460, JIS P8117


TQD-G1 air permeability tester is applicable to the determination of:

Basic Applications
  • Decorating Articles of Cars
    Test the air permeability of car decorating materials, e.g. polyurethane, PVC, leather, textiles and nonwovens materials
  • Elastic and Porous Polymer Materials
    Test the air permeability of elastic and porous polymer materials, e.g. sponges
  • Textiles
    Test the air permeability of textiles, e.g. cloth and nonwovens
  • Leather
    Test the air permeability of leather
Extended Applications
  • Paper
    Test the air permeability of paper materials, e.g. daily removable tissue and toilet rolls

Technical Specifications

SpecificationsTQD-G1 Air permeability tester
Test Range of Pressure0 ~ 1000 Pa
Test Range of Flux0 ~ 30 L/min
Specimen SizeMethod A: 52 mm x 52 mm
Method B:Φ12 mm ≤ D(diameter) ≤ Φ71 mm
Port SizeΦ8 mm PU Tubing
Instrument Dimension502 mm (L) x 334 mm (W) x 298 mm (H)
Power Supply220VAC 50Hz / 120VAC 60Hz
Net Weight27 kg


Standard Configurations
Instrument, Micro-printer, Grips, Round Sample Cutter and Vacuum Pump from America
Optional Parts
Professional Software, Communication Cable and Customized Grips
The gas supply port of the instrument is Φ8 mm PU tubing.


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