Apex i Series Mobile Receipt Printers

Seri Apex i adalah solusi ringan dan ekonomis yang ideal untuk kebutuhan pencetakan struk portabel di era dinamis dan terbuka saat ini lingkungan arsitektur. Apex i baru kompatibel dengan Apple iPhone®, iPad®, dan iPod® menggunakan iOS 5, iOS 6, dan iOS 7 dan dengan mudah dihubungkan melalui Bluetooth®. Apex yang saya temui kebutuhan tanpa mengorbankan kualitas atau kinerja. Dirancang untuk pekerja lapangan – menggunakan perangkat Apple® iOS, the Printer portabel Apex i menyertakan sistem kertas drop-in sederhana yang memudahkan pengguna untuk mengganti gulungan kertas dengan cepat dan tinggi kapasitas baterai dengan pilihan pengisian yang mudah. Bobotnya yang ringan dan desain yang ringkas memungkinkan seri Apex untuk dipakai dengan nyaman di sabuk atau dengan tali bahu selama shift kerja yang lama. Fitur yang ramah pengguna ini berarti Anda dapat melewati kesibukan Anda hari mengetahui printer Apex i akan mengikuti Anda. Apex i yang terjangkau menawarkan fitur yang Anda butuhkan, tanpa tambahan mahal yang ditemukan di produk lain. Apex i datang standar dengan komunikasi nirkabel, kecepatan cetak cepat, cukup memori dan kekuatan pemrosesan yang cepat dan dapat mengimbangi printer harganya dua kali lipat. Apex i juga tersedia dengan pembaca kartu strip magnetik opsional.




Dimensions (HxWxD):
Apex 2i: 135 x 103 x 60 mm (5.1 x 4.1 x 2.4 in)
Apex 3i: 156 x 127 x 58 mm (6.1 x 5.0 x 2.3 in)
Apex 4i: 191 x 166 x 63 mm (7.5 x 6.5 x 2.5 in)
Weight:* 0.42 kg (14.7 oz); 0.52 kg (18.5 oz);
0.75 kg (26.5 oz)
Weight:** 0.53 kg (18.7 oz); 0.75 kg (26.5 oz);
1.02 kg (36.1 oz)
Drop Specification: 1.2 m (4 ft)
*With battery
**With battery and paper roll


Operating Temperatures: -10°C to 50°C
(14°F to 122°F)
Storage Temperatures: -20°C to 60°C
(4°F to 140°F)
Charging temperatures: 5°C to 40°C
(41°F to 104°F)
Relative Humidity Range: 10% RH to 85% RH
ESD Protection: 8kV air gap, 4kV contact


Printhead: Direct thermal, 8 dots per mm
(203 dots per in)
Print Mechanism Speed: 51 mm per second
(2 inches per second)


Serial: RS232, up to 115.2 kbps
USB: 2.0 (Apex 3 & 4 only)
Bluetooth®: Version 2.1, Class 1


Media Type: Direct thermal receipt paper
(standard, premium, heavy duty, long-life, image
protect, hi-temp, and all weather)
For optimum print quality and printer
performance, use certified Honeywell
media supplies.


Contact your Honeywell sales representative for
the most recent list of agency approvals.


Linear Symbologies: Codes 39, Code128 A/B/C,
UCC/EAN-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, UPC/EAN/JAN,
Codabar, GS1 Databar, Code 93
2D Symbologies: PDF417, QR Code
Optional Characters: Simplified & traditional
Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, Polish, Greek, Cyrillic,
Thai, Vietnamese, Hangul (Korean)
Graphics: Supports 8-bit graphic printing, custom
font, logo downloading
Standard Fonts: ASCII, international, PC line draw;
12CPI, 16CPI, 19CPI, 21CPI, 24CPI, 13CPI rotated


The Apex DO Toolkit Application (available
from the Apple Store) includes:
Scan: Discover and pair/bond to Apex iOS
Bluetooth® printers.
Read and Display Printer Status: (characters in
buffer, battery voltage, timer, temperature, print
buffer remaining, firmware version, hardware
Configure: Font download, communications
parameter set-up, printer custom attributes
set-up, logo download
Presentation: Print demo receipts, forms, logos,
barcodes, and more
Drivers: Windows, CE and desktop
Form Fiesta Page Printing Utility
Bootloader for Uploading Firmware
Info: General info about company and application
Software Development Kit: Visual C++, Visual
Basic; iOS, Android 2.2, 4.2, Blackberry®


Android 2.2 to 4.2
Bluetooth® Version 2.1
Integrated Magnetic Stripe Card Reader
iOS Bluetooth® Version 2.1
iOS 5, iOS 6 & iOS 7
IrDA: IrLPT v1.0; IrCOMM v1.0


Standard Warranty:
Printer: 1 year*
Printhead: 1 year* or 25,400,000 mm (1,000,000 in),
whichever comes first)
Extended Warranty: Contact your Honeywell
sales representative for extended warranty options
available through Honeywell Repair Services


  • Compatible with Apple iPhone®, iPad® and iPod® using iOS 5, iOS 6 and iOS 7 and is easily connected via Bluetooth®.
  • Apex i printers are light enough to wear all day, everyday and small enough that they don’t hinder movement.
  • Supported by Arm-7, 32-bit architecture RISC processor, making them as fast as printers costing almost twice as much.
  • Shipped with a battery, power supply, belt clip or shoulder strap, sample media and RS232 or USB wireless communications.
  • Supports the printing of graphics, 1D and 2D bar codes.


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