Suhu air sangat berpengaruh terhadap jumlah oksigen terlarut di dalam air. Jika suhu tinggi, air akan lebih cepat jenuh dengan oksigen dibanding dengan suhunya rendah.
Kisaran suhu air yang sangat diperlukan agar pertumbuhan ikan-ikan pada perairan tropis dapat berlangsung berkisar antara 25-32°C. Kisaran suhu tersebut biasanya berlaku di Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara tropis sehingga sangat menguntungkan untuk melakukan kegiatan budidaya ikan. Suhu air sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses kimia, fisika dan biologi di dalam perairan,sehingga dengan perubahan suhu pada suatu perairan akan mengakibatkan berubahnya semua proses di dalam perairan.
Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, kami telah menyediakan berbagai tipe data logger terbaik yang bisa digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Sumber :
HOBO Water Temperature Pro v2 Data Logger – U22-001

HOBO Water Temp Pro v2 tahan lama dengan resolusi 12-bit. Lengkap dengan sensor presisi untuk akurasi ± 0,2 ° C, logger ini mengukur suhu antara -40 ° C dan 70 ° C (-40 ° F hingga 158 ° F) di udara dan hingga 50 ° C (122 ° F) di air . Casingnya yang tahan air dan ramping memungkinkan penggunaan yang lebih lama di air tawar atau air asin. Selain itu, antarmuka USB optik Water Temp Pro v2 memungkinkan untuk memindahkan data bahkan saat logger basah atau di bawah air. Pelindung radiasi matahari diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pengukuran suhu udara yang akurat di bawah sinar matahari (Pelindung Radiasi Surya RS1, diperlukan perakitan; atau Pelindung Radiasi Surya yang telah dirakit sebelumnya M-RSA).

- Pengukuran tingkat penelitian dengan harga terjangkau
- Tahan air hingga 120 meter (400 kaki)
- Pembacaan data dalam waktu kurang dari 30 detik melalui antarmuka USB Optik yang cepat
- Kompatibel dengan perangkat lunak HOBOware dan HOBOware Pro untuk pengaturan, grafik, dan analisis logger

Operation range†: -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F) in air; maximum sustained temperature of 50°C (122°F) in water
Accuracy: ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F)
Resolution: 0.02°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F)
Response time: (90%) 5 minutes in water; 12 minutes in air moving 2 m/sec (typical)
Stability (drift): 0.1°C (0.18°F) per year
Real-time clock: ± 1 minute per month 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Battery: 2/3 AA, 3.6 Volt Lithium, factory-replaceable ONLY
Battery life (typical use): 6 years with 1 minute or greater logging interval
Memory (non-volatile): 64K bytes memory (approx. 42,000 12-bit temperature measurements)
Weight: 42 g (1.5 oz)
Dimensions: 3.0 cm (1.19 in.) maximum diameter, 11.4 cm (4.5 in.) length; mounting hole 6.3 mm (0.25 inches) diameter
Wetted materials: Polypropylene case, EPDM® o-rings, stainless steel retaining ring
Buoyancy (fresh water): +13 g (0.5 oz.) in fresh water at 25°C (77°F); +17 g (0.6 oz.) with optional boot
Waterproof: To 120 m (400 ft.)
Shock/drop: 1.5 m (5 ft.) drop at 0°C to 70°C (32°F to 150°F)
Logging interval: Fixed-rate or multiple logging intervals, with up to 8 user-defined logging intervals and durations; logging intervals from 1 second to 18 hours. Refer to HOBOware software manual.
Launch modes: Immediate start and delayed start
Offload modes: Offload while logging; stop and offload
Battery indication: Battery voltage can be viewed in status screen and optionally logged in datafile. Low battery indication in datafile.
NIST certificate available: for additional charge
Environmental Rating: IP68
Link pembelian :
HOBO Pendant MX Water Temperature Data Logger – MX2201

Temperature Data logger Waterproof HOBO MX2201 memanfaatkan kekuatan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) untuk memberikan pengukuran suhu yang akurat langsung ke perangkat seluler Anda dengan aplikasi HOBOconnect gratis dari Onset . Dirancang untuk daya tahan, logger tahan air yang ringkas ini sangat ideal untuk mengukur suhu di sungai, danau, lautan, dan lingkungan tanah.
- Pengaturan nirkabel yang nyaman dan unduh melalui Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Memori besar menyimpan 96.000 pengukuran
- Tahan air hingga 30 meter (100 kaki)
- Baterai yang dapat diganti pengguna
- Memasang tab untuk penerapan yang cepat dan mudah
- Alarm LED memberi tahu Anda saat suhu melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan
- Bekerja dengan aplikasi HOBOconnect gratis Onset
- Akurasi ± 0,5 ° C (± 0,9 ° F)

Temperature Sensor (MX2201 and MX2202) | |
Range | -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) in air -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F) in water |
Accuracy | ±0.5°C from -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) |
Resolution | 0.04°C (0.072°F) |
Drift | <0.1°C (0.18°F) per year |
Response Time | 17 minutes typical to 90% in air moving 1 m/s, unmounted 7 minutes typical to 90% in stirred water, unmounted |
Logger | |
Radio Power | 1 mW (0 dBm) |
Transmission Range | Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) line-of-sight |
Wireless Data Standard | Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth 4.0) |
Logger Operating Range | -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) in air |
Logging Rate | 1 second to 18 hours |
Buoyancy (Fresh Water) | 2g (0.07 oz) positive |
Waterproof | To 30.5 m (100 ft) |
Memory | 96,000 measurements |
Battery | CR2032 3V lithium, user replaceable |
Battery Life | 1 year typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On in software.2 years typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always Off in software.Faster logging intervals and statistics sampling intervals, burst logging, remaining connected with the app, excessive downloads, and paging may impact battery life.To ensure proper battery installation, see Battery Information for detailed instructions on replacing the battery. |
Time Accuracy | ± 1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F) |
Full Memory Download | Approximately 45 seconds; may take longer the farther the device is from the logger |
Wetted Materials | Polypropylene case, EPDM O-ring |
Dimensions | 3.35 x 5.64 x 1.8 cm (1.32 x 2.22 x 0.69 inches) |
Weight | 12.75 g (.45 oz) |
Link pembelian :
HOBO TidbiT MX Temperature 400′ Data Logger – MX2203

Temperature Data logger Waterproof HOBO MX2203 TidbiT memanfaatkan kekuatan Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) untuk memberikan pengukuran suhu dengan akurasi tinggi langsung ke perangkat seluler Anda dengan aplikasi HOBOconnect gratis dari Onset . Dirancang untuk daya tahan, logger tahan air yang kokoh ini sangat ideal untuk penggunaan jangka panjang di sungai, danau, dan lautan (hingga kedalaman 400 kaki). HOBO MX2203 juga menyediakan fitur tambahan untuk mendeteksi dan merekam keberadaan air yang ideal untuk memantau aplikasi air yang terputus-putus.
- Pengaturan nirkabel yang nyaman dan unduh melalui Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Memori besar menyimpan 96.000 pengukuran
- Tahan air hingga 120 meter (400 kaki)
- Fitur deteksi air mencatat saat logger masuk dan keluar dari air
- Baterai yang dapat diganti pengguna
- Boot tahan air melindungi logger selama penyebaran
- Alarm LED memberi tahu Anda saat suhu melebihi ambang batas yang ditetapkan
- Fitur perpanjangan masa pakai baterai
- Bekerja dengan aplikasi HOBOconnect gratis Onset
- Akurasi ± 0,2 ° C (± 0,36 ° F)
Temperature Sensor (MX2203) | |
Range | MX2203: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) in air; -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F) in water |
Accuracy | ±0.25°C from -20° to 0°C (±.45°F from -4° to 32°F) ±0.2°C from 0° to 70°C (±0.36°F from 32° to 158°F) |
Resolution | 0.01°C (0.018°F) |
Drift | <0.1°C (0.18°F) per year |
Response Time | MX2203: 17 minutes typical to 90% in air moving 1 m/s, unmounted; 7 minutes typical to 90% in stirred water, unmounted |
Logger | |
Radio Power | 1 mW (0 dBm) |
Transmission Range | Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) line-of-sight |
Wireless Data Standard | Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth 4.0) |
Logger Operating Range | -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) |
Logging Rate | 1 second to 18 hours |
Buoyancy (Fresh Water) | MX2203: 3.1 g (0.11 oz) negative |
Waterproof | MX2203: To 122 m (400 ft) |
Water Detection | Water conductivity level of 100 µS/cm or greater necessary for reliable detection of water. Deionized water or water below 100 µS/cm may not be detected.The water conductivity circuit may not reliably detect water that has frozen around the electrodes, i.e. below 0°C (32°F). |
Memory | 96,000 measurements |
Battery | CR2477 3V lithium, user replaceable in MX2203, non-replaceable in MX2204 |
Battery Life | 3 years, typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always On in software. 5 years, typical at 25°C (77°F) with logging interval of 1 minute and Bluetooth Always Off or Bluetooth Off Water Detect in software. Faster logging intervals and statistics sampling intervals, burst logging, remaining connected with the app, excessive downloads, and paging may impact battery life. To ensure proper battery installation, see Battery Information for detailed instructions on replacing the battery in the MX2203 logger. |
Time Accuracy | ± 1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F) |
Full Memory Dowload | Approximately 45 seconds; may take longer the farther the device is from the logger |
Wetted Materials | MX2203: Polypropylene case, Delrin® battery cover, EPDM O-ring, stainless steel screws, Santoprene® (TPE) boot |
Dimensions | MX2203: 4.45 x 7.32 x 3.58 cm (1.75 x 2.88 x 1.41 inches) |
Weight | MX2203: 36.2 g (1.28 oz) |
Environmental Rating | IP68 |
Link pembelian :
HOBO 64K Pendant® Temperature/Alarm (Waterproof) Data Logger – UA-001-64

Miniatur, Temperature data logger satu saluran yang tahan air , model ini bernilai harga untuk aplikasi pengiriman jangka pendek atau penerapan jangka panjang. LED alarm data logger berkedip jika suhu telah melebihi tingkat yang ditetapkan pengguna dan opsi penundaan, dan memberikan verifikasi yang terlihat bahwa suhu telah berada dalam kisaran yang diinginkan selama penerapan. Model 64K ini menyimpan sekitar 52K pembacaan suhu 10-bit. Untuk pengukuran suhu yang akurat di bawah sinar matahari, diperlukan pelindung radiasi matahari ( RS1 Solar Radiation Shield , perlu perakitan; Solar Radiation Shield yang sudah dirakit M-RSA ).
- Suhu berbiaya rendah dengan indikasi alarm atau intensitas cahaya
- Rumah tahan air untuk penggunaan basah atau bawah air
- Pembacaan data dalam waktu kurang dari 30 detik melalui antarmuka USB Optik yang cepat

Measurement range: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Alarms: High and low alarms can be configured for total amount of contiguous or non-contiguous time outside of user-defined limits between -20° and 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Accuracy: ± 0.53°C from 0° to 50°C (± 0.95°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A in manual
Resolution: Temperature: 0.14°C at 25°C (0.25°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual
Drift: Less than 0.1°C/year (0.2°F/year)
Environmental Rating: Top end: NEMA 6, IP67; Sensor end: IP68
Response Time
Airflow of 2 m/s (4.4 mph): 10 minutes, typical to 90%
Water: 5 minutes, typical to 90%
Time accuracy: ± 1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B in manual
Operating Range
In water/ice: -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F)
In air: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Water depth rating: 30 m from -20° to 20°C (100 ft from -4° to 68°F), see Plot C in manual
NIST traceable certification: Available for temperature only at additional charge; temperature range -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Battery life: 1 year typical use
Battery Type: CR2032
UA-001-08: 8K bytes (approximately 6.5K sample and event readings)
UA-001-64: 64K bytes (approximately 52K sample and event readings)
Materials: Polypropylene case; stainless steel screws; Buna-N o-ring
Weight: 15.0 g (0.53 oz)
Dimensions: 5.8 x 3.3 x 2.3 (centimeters) and 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.9 (inches)
Environmental Rating: IP68
Link pembelian :
HOBO Pendant® Temperature/Light 64K Data Logger – UA-002-64

Data logger miniatur ini dapat merekam suhu dan tingkat cahaya relatif. Lengkap dengan casing anti air , produk ini didesain untuk penggunaan di dalam, luar ruangan, dan di bawah air. Model ini dapat menyimpan sekitar 52.000 pengukuran dari pembacaan 10-bit. Gunakan pelindung radiasi matahari untuk pengukuran suhu yang akurat di bawah sinar matahari. Lihat Pelindung Radiasi Surya RS1 (perlu perakitan) dan Pelindung Radiasi Surya M-RSA (sudah dirakit sebelumnya). Perhatikan bahwa menggunakan pelindung radiasi matahari mencegah penggunaan sensor cahaya.
- Suhu berbiaya rendah dengan indikasi alarm atau intensitas cahaya
- Rumah tahan air untuk penggunaan basah atau bawah air
- Pembacaan data dalam waktu kurang dari 30 detik melalui antarmuka USB Optik yang cepat

Measurement Range
Temperature: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Light: 0 to 320,000 lux (0 to 30,000 lumens/ft2)
Temperature: ± 0.53°C from 0° to 50°C (± 0.95°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A in manual
Light intensity: Designed for measurement of relative light levels, see Plot D for light wavelength response
Temperature: 0.14°C at 25°C (0.25°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual
Drift: Less than 0.1°C/year (0.2°F/year)
Response Time
Airflow of 2 m/s (4.4 mph): 10 minutes, typical to 90%
Water: 5 minutes, typical to 90%
Time accuracy: ± 1 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B in manual
Operating Range
In water/ice: -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F)
In air: -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Water depth rating: 30 m from -20° to 20°C (100 ft from -4° to 68°F), see Plot C in manual
NIST traceable certification: Available for temperature only at additional charge; temperature range -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
Battery life: 1 year typical use
Battery Type: CR2032
UA-002-08: 8K bytes (approximately 3.5K combined temperature and light readings or events)
UA-002-64: 64K bytes (approximately 28K combined temperature and light readings or events)
Materials: Polypropylene case; stainless steel screws; Buna-N o-ring
Weight: 18 g (0.6 oz)
Dimensions: 58 x 33 x 23 mm (2.3 x 1.3 x 0.9 inches
Environmental Rating: IP68
Link pembelian :
HOBO TidbiT v2 Water Temperature Data Logger – UTBI-001

Hanya 3×4 cm, data logger kecil ini mengukur suhu pada kisaran suhu yang luas. TidbiT v2 menyediakan resolusi 12-bit dan memiliki akurasi ± 0,2 ° C. Ini dirancang untuk lingkungan luar ruangan dan bawah air dan tahan air hingga 300 m (1000 kaki). Antarmuka USB optik memungkinkan pengguna memindahkan data dalam hitungan detik. Harap dicatat, pelindung radiasi matahari diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pengukuran suhu udara yang akurat di bawah sinar matahari (Pelindung Radiasi Surya RS1, diperlukan perakitan; atau Pelindung Radiasi Surya yang telah dirakit sebelumnya M-RSA).
- Temperature data logger terkecil di Onset
- Tahan air hingga 300 meter (1.000 kaki)
- Pembacaan data dalam waktu kurang dari 30 detik melalui antarmuka USB Optik yang cepat

Temperature Sensor
Operation range:* -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F) in air; maximum sustained temperature of 30°C (86°F) in water*
Accuracy: ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F)
Resolution: 0.02°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F)
Response time: 5 minutes in water; 12 minutes in air moving 2 m/sec; 20 minutes in air moving 1 m/sec (typical to 90%)
Stability (drift): 0.1°C (0.18°F) per year
Real-time clock: ± 1 minute per month 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Battery: 3 Volt lithium, non-replaceable
Battery life (typical use): 5 years with 1 minute or greater logging interval
Memory (non-volatile): 64K bytes memory (approx. 42,000 12-bit temperature measurements)
Weight: 19.6 g (0.69 oz)
Dimensions: 3.0 × 4.1 × 1.7 cm (1.2 × 1.6 × 0.68 in.); mounting bail 4.6 mm (3/16 in.) diameter hole
Wetted materials: Epoxy case
Waterproof: To 305 m (1000 ft.)
Logging interval: Fixed-rate or multiple logging intervals, with up to 8 user-defined logging intervals and durations; logging intervals from 1 second to 18 hours. Refer to HOBOware software manual.
Launch modes: Immediate start, delayed start
Offload modes: Offload while logging; stop and offload
Battery indication: Battery level can be viewed in status screen and optionally logged in datafile. Low battery indication in datafile.
Environmental Rating: IP68
Link pembelian :
12-Bit Temperature Smart Sensor – S-TMB-M0xx

Temperature smart sensor 12-bit memberikan akurasi total <± 0,2 ° C (<± 0,36 ° F) dan resolusi <± 0,03 ° C (<± 0,054 ° F) selama rentang dari 0 ° hingga 50 ° C (32 ° hingga 122 ° F). Rentang pengukuran penuh adalah -40 ° hingga 100 ° C (-40 ° hingga 212 ° F). Fitur rata-rata pengukuran yang dapat dipilih semakin meningkatkan akurasi. Tersedia dalam panjang kabel 2m, 6m dan 17m.
- Rentang pengukuran -40 ° hingga 100 ° C (-40 ° hingga 212 ° F)
- Ujung sensor baja tahan karat
- Sensor dan kabel dinilai untuk perendaman dalam air atau tanah hingga 50 ° C hingga 1 tahun
Measurement Range | -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F) – sensor tip |
Accuracy | < ±0.2°C from 0° to 50°C (< ±0.36°F from 32° to 122°F)* |
Resolution | <0.03°C from 0° to 50°C (<0.054°F from 32° to 122°F) |
Drift | <0.1°C (0.18°F) per year** |
Response Time (to 90% of change) | <2 minutes typical in 2 m/sec (4.5 mph) moving air flow <1 minute typical in stirred water bath |
Environmental Operating Ranges | Smart sensor adapter: -40° to 75°C (-40°F to 167°F); weatherproof, IP67 Stainless-steel sensor tip and cable jacket: Waterproof over the range of -40° to 50°C (-40°F to 122°F) for 1 year; operation up to 100°C (212°F) in air |
Housings | Stainless steel waterproof sensor tip; weatherproof polyamide housing for smart sensor adapter |
Dimensions | Temperature probe: 5.0 x 26 mm (0.2 x 1.0 inches) |
Weight | 2 meter: 0.09 g (3.3 oz) 6 meter: 0.14 g (5.2 oz) 17 meter: 0.30 g (11.2 oz) |
Bits per Sample | 12 |
Number of Data Channels*** | 1 |
Measurement Averaging Option | Yes |
Cable Lengths Available | 2 m (6.6 ft) S-TMB-M002 6 m (19.7 ft) S-TMB-M006 17 m (55.8 ft) S-TMB-M017 |
Length of Smart Sensor Network Cable | 0.5 m (1.6 ft) for all models |
Link pembelian :
HOBO 5-Inch Probe Temperature Data Logger – U12-015-02

HOBO U12 Stainless 5-inch Probe Temperature Data Logger sangat ideal untuk memantau suhu internal makanan atau aplikasi apa pun yang sangat membutuhkan respons cepat.
- Baja Tahan Karat Seri 316 kelas makanan
- Akurasi tinggi, kisaran suhu yang diperpanjang
- Cocok untuk aplikasi tekanan tinggi hingga 2200psi
- Pembacaan cepat melalui antarmuka USB langsung
- Kompatibel dengan perangkat lunak HOBOware dan HOBOware Pro untuk pengaturan, grafik, dan analisis logger
Measurement range: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
Accuracy: ± 0.25°C from 0° to 50°C (± 0.45°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A in manual
Resolution: 0.03°C at 25°C (0.05°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual
Drift: 0.05°C/year + 0.1°C/1000 hrs above 100°C (0.09°F/year + 0.2°F/1000 hrs above 212°F)
Response time in 1 m/s (2.2 mph) airflow
U12-015: < 10 minutes, typical to 90%
U12-015-02: 2.25 minutes, typical to 90%
Response time in water
U12-015: < 3.5 minutes, typical to 90%
U12-015-02: 20 seconds, typical to 90%
Time accuracy: ± 2 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B in manual
Operating environment: Air, water, steam, 0 to 100% RH
Operating temperature
Logging: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
Launch/readout: 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F), per USB specification
Battery life: 3 year typical use, factory replaceable
Memory: 64K bytes (43,000 12-bit measurements)
Construction: Food-grade 316 Series Stainless Steel
U12-015: 72 g (2.5 oz)
U12-015-02: 82 g (2.9 oz)
Logger dimensions: 17.5 x 101.6 mm (0.69 x 4.00 inches)
Probe dimensions: (U12-015-02 only): 4 x 124 mm (0.16 x 4.90 inches)
Pressure/depth rating: 2200 psi (1500 m/4900 ft) maximum
Vibration rating: Navy spec: NAVMAT P-9492 (non-probe model only)
NIST certificate: Available for additional charge; temperature range -30° to 120°C (-22° to 248°F)
Link pembelian :
Air/Water/Soil Temperature Sensor – TMCx-HD

Probe suhu TMC, untuk digunakan di udara, tanah, atau air, bekerja dengan data logger HOBO UX120-006M, MX1100, ZW series, atau U-Series.
- Akurasi dan resolusi bervariasi sesuai dengan model pencatat yang terpasang
- Rentang pengukuran adalah -40 ° hingga 100 ° C (-40 ° hingga 212 ° F)
- Waktu respons di udara: 2 menit. tipikal untuk 90% di udara yang bergerak 1 m / detik (2,2 mph)
- Waktu respons dalam air yang diaduk: 30 detik. khas untuk 90%
- Sensor dipasang ke kabel 0,3 m (1 kaki), 1,8 m (6 kaki), 6,1 m (20 kaki), atau 15,2 m (50 kaki)
Measurement range: -40° to 50°C (-40° to 122°F) in water; -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F) in air
w/U12: ±0.25°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.45°F from 32° to 122°F), insert probe 2.3 cm (0.9 inches) minimum;
w/ZW: ±0.21°C from 0° to 50°C (±0.38°F from 32° to 122°F), insert probe 2.3 cm (0.9 inches) minimum;
w/UX120-006M, MX1104, and MX1105: ±0.15°C from 0° to 70°C (±0.27°F from 32° to 158°F), insert probe 2.3 cm (0.9 inches) minimum;
w/U12: 0.03° at 20°C (0.05° at 68°F);
w/ZW: 0.02°C at 25°C (0.04°F at 77°F);
w/UX120-006M, MX1104, and MX1105: 0.002° at 25°C (0.003° at 77°F);
Drift: <0.1°C (<0.2°F) per year
Response time in air: 2 min. typical to 90% in air moving 1 m/sec (2.2 mph)
Response time in stirred water: 30 sec. typical to 90%.
Operating range: Sensor tip and cable immersion in fresh water up to +50°C (122°F) for 1 year
Housing: Copper-plated sensor tip
Dimensions: 5.1 x 33 mm (0.2 x 1.3 inches)
Weight: 34 g (1.1 oz)
Link pembelian :
HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station Data Logger – RX3000

HOBO RX3000, station data logger jarak jauh Onset yang paling fleksibel, menyediakan akses cepat ke data lingkungan spesifik lokasi di mana saja, kapan saja melalui internet. Stasiun ini menggabungkan keserbagunaan dan kualitas sensor dari sistem yang lebih mahal, layar LCD onboard, dan kenyamanan pengoperasian plug-and-play. RX3000 adalah sistem yang dapat dikonfigurasi (lihat tab “Sistem Konfigurasi” di bawah).
RX3000 station adalah komponen dasar Sistem Pemantauan Lapangan HOBOnet yang hemat biaya dan dapat diskalakan untuk pengelolaan tanaman, penelitian lingkungan, dan operasi rumah kaca.

- Dukungan fleksibel untuk berbagai sensor
- Layar LCD untuk penyebaran lapangan yang mudah
- Akses data berbasis cloud melalui HOBOlink
- Dapatkan akses web 24/7 ke data Anda melalui browser web
- Verifikasi status sistem RX3000 dari jarak jauh
- Siapkan dan kelola pemberitahuan alarm melalui web
- Jadwalkan pengiriman data otomatis
- Operasi plug-and-play
- Pemberitahuan alarm melalui teks, email
- Kandang tahan cuaca ganda yang kokoh
- Pilihan seluler, Wi-Fi, dan Ethernet tersedia
- Dapat dikonfigurasi dari perangkat seluler Anda
- Modul Input Analog, Relai, dan Sensor Ketinggian Air Opsional
- Pemantauan ketinggian air dan aliran air jarak jauh dengan modul ketinggian air Onset (RXMOD-W1)
- Akses ke model risiko penyakit tanaman dan hama serangga NEWA

Operating Range | -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F); no remote communications for battery voltage less than 3.9 V DC |
Smart Sensor Connectors | 10 |
Smart Sensor Network Cable Length | 100 m (328 ft) maximum |
Smart Sensor Data Channels | Maximum of 15 (some smart sensors use more than one data channel; see sensor manual for details) |
Module Slots | 2 |
Logging Rate | 1 second (RX3001 and RX3002) or 1 minute (RX3003 and RX3004) to 18 hours |
Time Accuracy | ±8 seconds per month in 0° to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) range; ±30 seconds per month in -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F) range |
Battery Type/Power Source | 4 Volt, 10 AHr, rechargeable sealed lead-acid; external power required using one of these options: AC power adapter (AC-U30), solar panel (SOLAR-xW), or external power source 5 V DC to 17 V DC with external DC power cable (CABLE-RX-PWR) |
Rechargeable Battery Service Life | Typical 3–5 years when operated in the temperature range -20° to 40°C (-4°F to 104°F); operation outside this range will reduce the battery service life |
Memory | 32 MB, 2 million measurements, continuous logging |
Alarm Notification Latency | Logging interval plus 2–4 minutes, typical |
Enclosure Access | Hinged door secured by two latches with eyelets for use with user-supplied padlocks |
LCD | LCD is visible from 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F); the LCD may react slowly or go blank in temperatures outside this range |
Materials | Outer enclosure: Polycarbonate/PBT blend with stainless steel hinge pins and brass inserts; Inner enclosure: Polycarbonate; Gaskets: Silicone rubber; Cable channel: EPDM rubber; Cable opening cover: Aluminum with ABS plastic thumb screws; U-Bolts: Steel with zinc dichromate finish |
Size | 18.6 x 18.1 x 11.8 cm (7.3 x 7.1 x 4.7 in.); see diagrams on next page |
Weight | 2.2 kg (4.85 lb) |
Mounting | 3.8 cm (1.5 inch) mast or wall mount |
Environmental Rating | Weatherproof enclosure, NEMA 4X (requires proper installation of cable channel system) |
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HOBOnet Wireless Temperature Sensor – RXW-TMB – xxx

Sensor Suhu Nirkabel HOBOnet memberikan solusi hemat biaya dan dapat diskalakan untuk pemantauan suhu udara, tanah, dan air melalui web. Sensor Nirkabel HOBOnet mengkomunikasikan data secara langsung ke HOBO RX3000 atau stasiun HOBO MicroRX, atau meneruskan data melalui sensor nirkabel lainnya kembali ke stasiun pusat. Mereka telah dikonfigurasi sebelumnya dan siap untuk digunakan, dan data diakses melalui HOBOlink, platform perangkat lunak berbasis cloud yang inovatif dari Onset.
Fitur Sensor
- Rentang pengukuran -40 ° hingga 100 ° C (-40 ° hingga 212 ° F)
- Akurasi tinggi: ± 0,2 ° C (± 0,36 ° F)
- Ujung sensor baja tahan karat
- Sensor dan kabel dinilai untuk perendaman dalam air atau tanah hingga 50 ° C hingga 1 tahun
Fitur Nirkabel
- Teknologi penyembuhan diri mesh nirkabel 900 MHz
- Jangkauan nirkabel 450 hingga 600 meter (1.500 hingga 2.000 kaki) dan hingga lima lompatan
- Hingga 50 sensor nirkabel atau 336 saluran data per stasiun HOBO RX
- Tekan tombol sederhana untuk bergabung dengan jaringan nirkabel HOBOnet
- Memori onboard untuk memastikan tidak ada kehilangan data
- Didukung oleh baterai AA yang dapat diisi ulang dan panel surya internal

Sensor | |
Measurement Range | -40° to 100°C (-40° to 212°F) |
Accuracy | ±0.25°C from -40° to 0°C (±0.45°F from -40° to 32°F) ±0.20°C from 0° to 70°C (±0.36°F from 32° to 158°F) ±0.25°C from 70° to 100°C (±0.45°F from 158° to 212°F) |
Resolution | 0.02°C (0.036°F) |
Drift | <0.01°C (0.018°F) per year |
Response Time (typical, to 90% of change) | Without solar radiation shield: 2 minutes, 30 seconds in air moving 1 m/sec With RS3-B solar radiation shield: 5 minutes in air moving 1 m/sec |
Wireless Mote | |
Operating Temperature Range | -25° to 60°C (-13° to 140°F) with rechargeable batteries -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F) with lithium batteries |
Radio Power | 12.6 mW (+11 dBm) non-adjustable |
Transmission Range | Reliable connection to 457.2 m (1,500 ft) line of sight at 1.8 m (6 ft) high Reliable connection to 609.6 m (2,000 ft) line of sight at 3 m (10 ft) high |
Wireless Data Standard | IEEE 802.15.4 |
Radio Operating Frequencies | RXW-TMB-900: 904–924 MHz RXW-TMB-868: 866.5 MHz RXW-TMB-921: 921 MHz RXW-TMB-922: 916–924 MHz |
Modulation Employed | OQPSK (Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) |
Data Rate | Up to 250 kbps, non-adjustable |
Duty Cycle | <1% |
Maximum Number of Motes | Up to 50 wireless sensors or 336 data channels per one HOBO RX station |
Logging Rate | 1 minute to 18 hours |
Number of Data Channels | 2 |
Battery Type/ Power Source | Two AA 1.2 V rechargeable NiMH batteries powered by built-in solar panel or two AA 1.5 V lithium batteries for operating conditions of -40° to 70°C (-40° to 158°F) |
Battery Life | With NiMH batteries: Typical 3–5 years when operated in the temperature range -20° to 40°C (-4°F to 104°F) and positioned toward the sun (see Deployment and Mounting), operation outside this range will reduce the battery service life With lithium batteries: 1 year, typical use |
Memory | 16 MB |
Dimensions | Sensor: 5.3 x 33 mm (0.2 x 1.3 inches) Cable length: 5 m (16.4 ft) Mote: 16.2 x 8.59 x 4.14 cm (6.38 x 3.38 x 1.63 inches) |
Weight | Sensor and cable: 82.5 g (2.91 oz) Mote: 223 g (7.87 oz) |
Materials | Sensor: Stainless steel waterproof tip Mote: PCPBT, silicone rubber seal |
Environmental Rating | Sensor and cable: Immersion in water up to 50°C (122°F) for 1 year Mote: IP67, NEMA 6 |
HOBO Deep Ocean Temperature Data Logger – U12-015-03

HOBO U12 Deep Ocean Water Temperature Data Logger adalah pencatat suhu air saluran tunggal dengan resolusi 12-bit yang dapat merekam hingga 43.000 pengukuran. Dengan kerangka titaniumnya yang kokoh, logger ini dirancang untuk tahan terhadap kedalaman dan suhu samudra yang ekstrim.
- 11,000m depth rating (36,080 ft)
- Extended temperature range:- -40 to 125C
- Titanium housing for use in saltwater
- Fast readout via direct USB interface
- Compatible with HOBOware and HOBOware Pro software for logger setup, graphing and analysis
Measurement Range: | -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F) |
Accuracy: | ±0.22°C at 25°C (±0.4°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual |
Resolution: | 0.025°C at 25°C (0.045°F at 77°F), see Plot A in manual |
Drift: | 0.05°C/year + 0.1°C/1000 hrs above 100°C (0.09°F + 0.2°F/1000 hrs above 212°F |
Response Time in Water: | < 4 minutes, typical to 90% |
Time Accuracy: | ±2 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B in manual |
Operating Environment: | Air, water, steam, 0 to 100% RH |
Operating Temperature: | Logging: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F) Launch/Readout: 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F), per USB specification |
Battery Life: | 3 years typical use, factory replaceable |
Memory: | 64K bytes (43,000 12-bit measurements) |
Construction: | Titanium with O-ring seals and backup rings |
Weight: | 105 g (3.7 oz) |
Size: | 114 x 20.6 mm diameter (4.5 x 0.81 in. diameter) |
Depth Rating: | 11,000 m (36,080 ft) |
Pressure Rating: | 1110 bar (16,000 psi) |
Vibration Rating: | Navy spec: NAVMAT P-9492 |
NIST Certificate: | Available for additional charge; temperature range -30° to 120°C (-22° to 248°F) |
Environmental Rating: | IP68 |
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HOBO Stainless Temperature (4,900 ft.) Data Logger – U12-015

HOBO U12 Stainless Temperature Data Logger sangat ideal untuk makanan, farmasi, autoclave, dan aplikasi lain di mana data suhu dengan akurasi tinggi sangat penting. Dengan kisaran suhu yang luas (-40 hingga 125C) dan rumah baja tahan karat kelas makanan, Temperature data logger Tahan Karat U12 tahan kondisi proses dari pasteurisasi hingga pembekuan kilat dan pencucian. U12 Stainless juga ideal untuk aplikasi suhu tinggi atau bawah air dalam.
- Baja Tahan Karat Seri 316 kelas makanan
- Akurasi tinggi, kisaran suhu yang diperpanjang
- Cocok untuk aplikasi tekanan tinggi hingga 2200psi
- Pembacaan cepat melalui antarmuka USB langsung
- Kompatibel dengan HOBOware dan HOBOware Pro untuk pengaturan logger, grafik dan analisis
Measurement range: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
Accuracy: ± 0.25°C from 0° to 50°C (± 0.45°F from 32° to 122°F), see Plot A in manual
Resolution: 0.03°C at 25°C (0.05°F at 77°F), see Plot A
Drift: 0.05°C/year + 0.1°C/1000 hrs above 100°C (0.09°F/year + 0.2°F/1000 hrs above 212°F)
Response time in 1 m/s (2.2 mph) airflow
U12-015: < 10 minutes, typical to 90%
U12-015-02: 2.25 minutes, typical to 90%
Response time in water
U12-015: < 3.5 minutes, typical to 90%
U12-015-02: 20 seconds, typical to 90%
Time accuracy: ± 2 minute per month at 25°C (77°F), see Plot B in manual
Operating environment: Air, water, steam, 0 to 100% RH
Operating temperature
Logging: -40° to 125°C (-40° to 257°F)
Launch/readout: 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F), per USB specification
Battery life: 3 year typical use, factory replaceable
Memory: 64K bytes (43,000 12-bit measurements)
Construction: Food-grade 316 Series Stainless Steel
U12-015: 72 g (2.5 oz)
U12-015-02: 82 g (2.9 oz)
Logger dimensions: 17.5 x 101.6 mm (0.69 x 4.00 inches)
Probe dimensions: (U12-015-02 only): 4 x 124 mm (0.16 x 4.90 inches)
Pressure/depth rating: 2200 psi (1500 m/4900 ft) maximum
Vibration rating: Navy spec: NAVMAT P-9492 (non-probe model only)
NIST certificate: Available for additional charge; temperature range -30° to 120°C (-22° to 248°F)
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HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station – RX2100-WL

HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station pemenang penghargaan adalah solusi pemantauan ketinggian air berbasis web untuk aplikasi air hujan, air banjir, irigasi, hidrologi, dan lingkungan. Formula aliran air yang telah diprogram sebelumnya untuk bendung tertentu, cerobong asap, dan tabel pembuangan tahap menghasilkan konfigurasi yang mudah dan intuitif.
Aliran air baru dan perhitungan curah hujan yang terakumulasi, yang dilakukan langsung di stasiun pada saat pengukuran, segera memicu pemberitahuan tentang kondisi ketinggian air kritis.
Stasiun yang ringkas dan tahan lama, bersama dengan sensor ketinggian air tanpa ventilasi, memungkinkan penerapan kondisi keras dan pemantauan yang andal. Panel surya terintegrasi opsional atau daya baterai, dengan berbagai sensor pintar plug-and-play, mendukung pemantauan lingkungan yang fleksibel.

- Alarm sisi stasiun untuk aliran air dan akumulasi curah hujan yang dipicu pada saat pengukuran
- Sensor level air keramik tanpa ventilasi dengan empat pilihan rentang
- Kabel sensor ketinggian air yang diperkuat Kevlar dan dapat dipertukarkan
- Sensor tekanan barometrik terintegrasi
- Penutup kompak IP66 / NEMA 4X
- LCD internal memastikan pengaturan dan pengoperasian yang benar
- Dua opsi daya:
- Panel surya 1,7 W terintegrasi dengan baterai yang dapat diisi ulang
- Panel surya eksternal 5 W dan 15 W dapat ditambahkan (hanya RX2104)
- Baterai lithium AA yang dapat diganti pengguna
- Panel surya 1,7 W terintegrasi dengan baterai yang dapat diisi ulang
- Input untuk lima sensor plug-and-play
- Tarif koneksi hingga 10 menit melalui paket data seluler 4G
- Pemantauan berbasis cloud dan akses data melalui HOBOlink
- Tersedia dengan ujung sensor baja tahan karat atau titanium
- Sertifikat kalibrasi terlacak NIST 3 poin disertakan untuk sensor tekanan air
Operating Range | RX2103: -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F) RX2104: -20° to 60°C (-4° to 140°F) |
Smart Sensor Connectors | 5 |
Smart Sensor Network Cable Length | 100 m (328 ft) maximum |
Smart Sensor Data Channels | Maximum of 15 (some smart sensors use more than one data channel; see sensor manual for details) |
Logging Rate | 1 minute to 18 hours |
Time Accuracy | ±8 seconds per month in 0° to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) range; ±30 seconds per month in -40° to 60°C (-40° to 140°F) range |
Battery Type/Power Source | RX2103: 6 AA 1.5 V lithium batteries or AC power adapter (P-AC-1) RX2104: Integrated 1.7 watt solar panel and NiMH rechargeable battery pack; optional AC power adapter (P-AC-1) or external solar panel (SOLAR-xW) can be used in place of integrated solar panel |
Battery Life | RX2103 Battery Life:Battery life with daily connections:RX2103: 1 year with 2 minute loggingBattery life with hourly connections and 1 minute logging:RX2103: 2 monthsNote: Deployments in areas with weak cellular strength could reduce battery life.RX2104 Battery Life:Typical 3–5 years when operated in the temperature range -20° to 40°C (-4° to 104°F); operation outside this range will reduce the battery service life.Maximum connection rates with built-in solar panel, in full sun:10 minute connections year round for latitudes less than ±40°10 minute connections through three seasons in other regions, reduced to 30 minute connections in winterMaximum connection rates with external 5W or 15W solar panels:10 minute connections year round, in full sunConnection rate with external solar panels may be less if deployed in partial sunBattery life without solar recharging, with hourly connections and 1 minute logging:RX2104: 2 months |
Memory | 16 MB, 1 million measurements, continuous logging |
Alarm Notification Latency | Logging interval plus 2–4 minutes, typical |
Enclosure Access | Hinged door secured by two latches with eyelets for use with user-supplied padlocks |
LCD | LCD is visible from 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F); the LCD may react slowly or go blank in temperatures outside this range |
Materials | Outer enclosure: Polycarbonate/PBT blend with brass inserts; Interior: Polycarbonate/PBT; Gasket: Silicone foam; Cable channel: Santoprene™ TPE; U-Bolts (not included): Steel with zinc dichromate finish |
Dimensions | 19.95 x 13.68 x 7.49 cm (7.85 x 5.39 x 2.95 in.) |
Weight | 678 g (23.9 oz) |
Mounting | Optional U-bolts are compatible with masts up to 4.14 cm (1.63 in.) mast diameter; can also be mounted with zip ties or mounted to a flat surface with screws |
Environmental Rating | Weatherproof enclosure, NEMA 4X and IP66 (requires proper installation of cable channel system) |
Wireless Radio | GSM/GPRS/EDGE: Quad band 850/900/1800/1900 MHz UMTS/HSPA+: Seven band 800/850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz LTE: Twelve Band 700/800/850/900/1800/1900/2100/2600 MHz |
Antenna | 4G LTE |
- 12-Bit Temperature Smart Sensor S-TMB-M002 • S-TMB-M006 • S-TMB-M017
- HOBO 5-Inch Probe Temperature Data Logger U12-015-02
- HOBO 64K Pendant Temperature/Alarm (Waterproof) Data Logger UA-001-64
- HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station Data Logger
- TidbiT v2 Water Temperature Data Logger – UTBI-001
- HOBO Pendant® Temperature/Light 64K Data Logger – UA-002-64
- HOBO Pendant® Temperature/Light 8K Data Logger – UA-002-08
- HOBO Water Temperature Pro v2 Data Logger – U22-001
- HOBO Deep Ocean Temperature Data Logger – U12-015-03
- HOBO Stainless Temperature (4,900 ft.) Data Logger – U12-015
- HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station – RX2100-WL